Supply List » First Grade

First Grade

First Grade Supply List


*2 Boxes of Crayola crayons-24 count 
*1 pack of Pencils
*1 pack Elmer's glue sticks 
*One Pack Crayola Markers 
*School box (Label w/ child’s name) 
*3 Plastic Folders (3 prong/2 pocket )in red, blue, green (NO NAMES) 
*1 pack of White Copy Paper
*2 Wide-ruled composition books (no spiral notebooks)
*1 Pack of expo BLACK markers
*1 Kleenex
*2 Clorox Wipes
*Hand sanitizer
*Baby wipes
* Gallon size ziploc bags- Boys 
* Sandwich size ziploc bags- Girls
*Headphones (label w/ child’s name) - No earbuds please!
*$5 for agenda books
*$10 activity fee
No rolling backpacks please!